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How to Choose a Stretch Wrapper for Your Facility

Authored by Derek Rotondi
March 27, 2023

Stretch wrapping is a popular method of unitizing and securing loads for transportation and storage. It is a cost-effective and efficient way of protecting goods from damage, dust, and moisture. Choosing the right stretch wrapper is crucial to ensure that the wrapping process is efficient and effective. Here are some important factors to consider when choosing a stretch wrapper:

Load Size and Weight

The size and weight of the load are crucial factors to consider when choosing a stretch wrapper. A stretch wrapper that is too small for the load will not provide adequate coverage, while a wrapper that is too large will be wasteful and inefficient. It is important to accurately measure the load dimensions and weight to determine the appropriate wrapper size and capacity.

Stretch Wrapper
Stretch Wrapper
Stretch Wrapper
Stretch Wrapper

Load Shape

The shape of the load is also an important factor to consider when choosing a stretch wrapper. Loads that are irregularly shaped or have protrusions may require a custom wrap program to ensure proper coverage and stability. Some stretch wrappers come with customizable wrap programs that can be programmed to wrap unique load shapes.

Production Rate

The speed at which you need to wrap your loads is another important factor to consider when choosing a stretch wrapper. If you have a high production rate, an automatic stretch wrapper may be necessary to keep up with demand. An automatic wrapper can wrap loads quickly and efficiently without the need for manual intervention. However, if you have a lower production rate, a semi-automatic or manual wrapper may be more cost-effective.

Type of Stretch Film

There are several types of stretch film available, including cast film, blown film, and pre-stretched film. The type of film you choose will affect the wrapper you need. For example, pre-stretched film requires less tension than cast film, which may require a wrapper with a higher tension capability. It is important to choose a stretch wrapper that is compatible with the type of film you plan to use.

Level of Automation

The level of automation you require will depend on the size of your operation and the volume of loads you need to wrap. Automatic stretch wrappers are fully automated and can wrap loads without manual intervention. Semi-automatic stretch wrappers require some manual input, such as attaching the film to the load and starting the wrapping process. Manual stretch wrappers require complete manual intervention and are best suited for low-volume operations.

Maintenance and Support

Maintenance and support are important considerations when choosing a stretch wrapper. It is important to choose a wrapper that is easy to maintain and has good technical support available in case of any issues. Regular maintenance can help ensure that the wrapper operates efficiently and reduces the risk of breakdowns.


The cost of the stretch wrapper is also an important factor to consider. While an automatic stretch wrapper may provide the most efficient wrapping process, it may not be cost-effective for smaller operations. It is important to consider the initial cost of the wrapper as well as ongoing maintenance and operating costs.

In conclusion, choosing the right stretch wrapper requires careful consideration of several factors, including load size and weight, load shape, production rate, type of stretch film, level of automation, maintenance and support, and cost. By taking the time to consider these factors, you can choose a stretch wrapper that is right for your specific needs and improves your wrapping efficiency.